If you’re participating in NaNoWriMo (aka National Novel Writing Month, aka NOVEMBER) this year, I salute you!
I’m a five-time NaNoWriMo champion, but I also believe in making the system work for you, which is why I’m a NaNo Rebel and occasional Cheater. I wrote a book about my experiences, NaNoWriMo: A Cheater’s Guide, explaining my philosophy in further detail.
This year I’m going to be writing a romance novel with the working title Wife for a Weekend. Feel free to follow along with my progress here on my blog, or add me as a buddy on the NaNoWriMo official site.
If you need some help with your novel, be sure to check out my Preptober page for 31 days’ worth of prompts to figure out what your novel is about and where it’s going.
You can also join my online writing group, SWOOSH!, for support, silliness, and virtual write-ins. It’s on Facebook, and it’s FREE!