Jazzing up your job search
Welcome to the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge! This month my theme is Library Love, focusing on my love of libraries generally, as well as for the Sacramento Public Library (my local library) more specifically. I hope you find these posts informative as well as fun, and that they encourage you to visit your local library to see what’s new. One of the things I’m most frequently asked while on desk is whether I can help patrons search for jobs, help with their resumés, or know whether the library is hiring. The happy answer to all of the above is “YES!” Sacramento Public Library can steer patrons to…
Information vs. ignorance
Welcome to the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge! This month my theme is Library Love, focusing on my love of libraries generally, as well as for the Sacramento Public Library (my local library) more specifically. I hope you find these posts informative as well as fun, and that they encourage you to visit your local library to see what’s new. As a famous person once said, “knowledge is power.” As a lesser-known person followed up: “and sharing knowledge is even more powerful.” That, in a nutshell, is the goal of the library. In a lot of ways, it feels like we’re all battling in the War Against Ignorance.…
High school and homework help
Welcome to the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge! This month my theme is Library Love, focusing on my love of libraries generally, as well as for the Sacramento Public Library (my local library) more specifically. I hope you find these posts informative as well as fun, and that they encourage you to visit your local library to see what’s new. The library is a place that high school students might go to do research for a paper, play games with friends, or even volunteer for community service hours for graduation… but did you know that if you didn’t graduate from high school, you can also get your degree…
Games people play
Welcome to the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge! This month my theme is Library Love, focusing on my love of libraries generally, as well as for the Sacramento Public Library (my local library) more specifically. I hope you find these posts informative as well as fun, and that they encourage you to visit your local library to see what’s new. Continuing my theme of “hey, did you know your library has THIS?!”, today is all about GAMES! That’s right: while libraries of the past used to shush patrons for talking too loudly or engaging in any fun, silly behavior, the libraries of 2023 actually encourage fun and games.…
Freedom and freebies
Welcome to the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge! This month my theme is Library Love, focusing on my love of libraries generally, as well as for the Sacramento Public Library (my local library) more specifically. I hope you find these posts informative as well as fun, and that they encourage you to visit your local library to see what’s new. “Free” is a word that gets used a lot at the library. It’s free to sign up for a library card, free to check out books and other materials (as long as you bring them back on time!), and free to enjoy the library’s physical space as well…