69 Ways Ninjas Can Kill You
Ninjas can kill people in a remarkable number of ways, some of which involve weaponry, and others of which involve hand to hand combat. This is just a brief list of some of the many ways in which you might die at the hands of these mysterious warriors.
- Decapitation by shinobigatana
- Decapitation by kusarigama
- Decapitation and explosion by bakuhatsugama
- Decapitation by jutte
- Decapitation by kama (scythe)
- Decapitation by naginata
- Decapitation by ninjato
- Decapitation by oh-gama
- Decapitation by Ronin knife
- Decapitation by wakizashi
- Decapitation by X-claw triple blade dagger
- Decapitation by yari
- Blood loss due to being kicked with ashiko
- Choked by bakuhatsugama
- Explosive damage from bakuhatsugama
- Flailed and strangled with chigiriki
- Blown up by bombs
- Blown up by grenades
- Poisoned by poison gas bombs
- Blinded by flashbombs, then decapitated
- Blown up by explosives packed with shrapnel
- Blown up by land mines
- Burned to death by incendiaries
- Poisoned by fukiya (blow gun)
- Grappling hook to the head
- Sneak hitsuke (fire) attack, following by decapitation
- Butted with jukendo rifle, then run through with bayonet
- Run through with jutte (ten-hand weapon)
- Poisoned by kakute (iron rings with spikes)
- Strangled with kusari-fundo (hand-held weighted chain)
- Smothered between the thighs of a kunoichi (female ninja)
- Blinded by metsubushi (sight remover), then decapitated
- Beaten to death with nunchaku
- Smothered slowly in quicksand
- Blood loss or poisoned by shuriken (throwing star) attack
- Beaten to death in taijutsu (unarmed combat)
- Wrestled down and beaten to death in jujutsu combat
- Thrown against something sharp or solid enough to crush one’s spine in aikido combat
- Grappled to submission and then thrown against something sharp or solid enough to crush one’s spine in judo combat
- Betrayal and destruction at Ninja University
- Speared through the heart by yumi and ya (bow and arrow)
- Bitten by zombie ninja (technically this results in undeath, after a brief period of death)
- Thrown off roof
- Thrown down well
- Thrown into threshing machine
- Thrown off precipice
- Thrown onto spikes
- Thrown out window of tall building
- Thrown off of airplane without parachute
- Thrown into pit of venomous vipers
- Thrown off dam onto rocks below
- Thrown into lion’s den
- Thrown into volcano
- Thrown into acid bath
- Thrown into fiery furnace
- Stabbed with arrowhead
- Stabbed with daggers
- Stabbed with shards of glass
- Stabbed with wakizashi
- Stabbed with yari (spear)
- Stabbed with combat X-claws
- Stabbed with oh-gama
- Stabbed with kusarigama
- Stabbed with bakuhatsugama
- Stabbed with katana
- Stabbed with kakute
- Stabbed with kama
- Destroyed in mortal combat (or Mortal Kombat)
- Seppuku (ritual disembowelment, self-inflicted)
*For still more ways in which you may meet your fate of Death By Ninja, be sure to check out my novella Ninjas of the 512.