Sunday Funday: One Author’s Odd (and Unusual) Talents
This post is part of the 52-Week Blog Challenge, hosted by the Marketing for Romance Writers Blog.
This week’s challenge is to consider my “odd or useless talent.”
What makes a talent either odd or useless?
I suppose being able to leg-press the equivalent of an averaged-sized sumo wrestler could be considered both odd AND useless!
I can leg-press 450 pounds. The average sumo wrestler weighs 148 kg, which is approximately 326 pounds.
An interesting bit of trivia: Although there is no known requirement for the weight of a sumo wrestler, Wikipedia says that to be a professional, one must be at least 5’8″ tall.
I’m only 5’2″, so I will never be able to sumo wrestle professionally. (Not that I had any plans to do so.)
Other unusual or useless talents I possess:
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- I can play the flute and the piano, and about 3 guitar chords either right- or left-handed.
- I can touch the bottom of my chin with my tongue.
- I hold the dubious merit of “World’s Worst Sex Story,” as judged by a professional sex columnist.
- I hold a brown belt in Tae Kwon Do.
- I have completed my NaNoWriMo novel projects 5 out of 9 times.
- I have written an entire book in just 3 days (which you can read about in my book, Confessions of a 3-Day Novelist).
And those are just the useless talents I can mention in polite company!
I hope my useless and peculiar talents have amused you.
So… what are YOUR odd or unusual talents?