Online Dating from A to Z: Yearning to Say YES

Welcome to the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. This month I’ll be working my way through the alphabet, one day at a time, on the subject of Online Dating. If you’ve never visited my blog before, I’m happy you’re here! Be sure to check out my previous A to Z Challenge posts and the books that were inspired by them for more alphabetical fun.

Y is for YES!

As we near the end of this alphabetical tour through the wonderful world of online dating, let’s talk about saying yes.

The best thing I ever did during my online dating career was to say “yes” to the guy that eventually became my husband. Even though I wasn’t sure we’d get along, and for some reason I was convinced that he’d be an obnoxious egomaniac (his artsy, black-and-white profile picture gave me that wildly incorrect first impression), I said yes when he asked if I’d like to get coffee. I took a chance. And guess what? He turned out to be awesome!

So my best dating advice is to say yes, even if your initial instinct is to say no. Barring any truly serial killer vibes you get from someone’s profile (and no, I’m not encouraging anyone to ignore real red flags), I honestly think that going against your first impressions of a person can be a great idea. After all, who knows what people think your profile is saying – some of which you might never have intended it to say?

Give people a chance and you might just be surprised.

Yes, you can find love online! But first you have to say yes to a date.

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Think online dating is for losers? Think again.