Online Dating from A to Z: Uncovering Understanding
Welcome to the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. This month I’ll be working my way through the alphabet, one day at a time, on the subject of Online Dating. If you’ve never visited my blog before, I’m happy you’re here! Be sure to check out my previous A to Z Challenge posts and the books that were inspired by them for more alphabetical fun.
U is for understanding.
Something that can be in short supply when it comes to online dating is understanding.
What do I mean by that?
Given the way dating apps currently work, with most requiring people to swipe left or right on a profile after a brief scan, there’s a lot of surface-level activity happening. Unlike in the olden days of online dating, where one had to actually read through profiles to uncover potential matches, most people are now judging based solely on pictures.
The general effect is that we’ve created a virtual game of “Hot or Not?” for real people, and we’re spending our time online judging books by their covers instead of actually reading any of them.

Is this really how online dating should work? Isn’t there a better way?
My suggestion is that instead of simply swiping right on every guy or gal that isn’t model material, you may want to be a bit more understanding and open-minded. Look beyond the profile picture, and dig into their description to see if there’s anything worth pursuing.
Is this person attractive on the inside, rather than just the outside?
While I certainly can’t make anyone stop judging people based on a couple of images, I can highly recommend giving people more of a chance to get to know you. Sometimes a little patience is required. Sometimes a little understanding can go a long way.
What do you think? Have swipe apps ruined online dating, made us all more picky, or eliminated our desire to waste time on bad matches? What’s your understanding of the situation?
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Jayden R. Vincente
Plus, it’s amazing how someone’s physical features are actually surprisingly dependent on their personalities!
Jayden R. Vincente
Erotic Fiction Writer