Online Dating from A to Z: Revel in the Romance
Welcome to the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. This month I’ll be working my way through the alphabet, one day at a time, on the subject of Online Dating. If you’ve never visited my blog before, I’m happy you’re here! Be sure to check out my previous A to Z Challenge posts and the books that were inspired by them for more alphabetical fun.
R is for Romance!
No date would be complete without a bit of romance, right? But what exactly defines a romantic gesture?
Some of the most typical responses involve bringing your date a gift, like flowers or chocolates. I remember a young man bringing me flowers when he came to escort me to an end-of-the-year dance at our university, and being quite shocked that he’d make such a romantic gesture. After all, we’d agreed to go as friends, rather than an official “date.” Even so, it was a thoughtful, sweet gesture, and I appreciated the token even if it wasn’t representative of deeper feelings.
Who doesn’t like to receive an unexpected gift?
If you’re on a first date, it can be difficult to do something genuinely romantic, simply because you don’t yet know this person well enough to do something unique that will impress. But the little things are always appreciated, no matter what stage of the dating game you’re in.
Some simple things that anyone can do to ramp up the romance:
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- Hold open doors for your date (and others!)
- Compliment your date (for best results: pick something they have control over, such as their outfit or hair)
- Offer your date a small token to remember the date by, such as a ticket stub from a movie or a pretty seashell you found on the beach
- Genuinely listen to what your date has to say, instead of just waiting for your turn to speak
- Ask unusual questions to get your date’s mind wandering and the conversation flowing
So… what’s the most romantic thing anyone’s ever done for you?
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One Comment
Jayden R. Vincente
Great advice, as always!
Jayden R. Vincente
Erotic Fiction Writer