New Year, New You: Introductions (Buttontapper Challenge, Day 1)

Hello, and welcome to the Buttontapper Challenge!

I’m your host, Laura Roberts, author of three YA career guides (Careers If You Like Music, Careers in Digital Media, and Careers in Gaming) and 15 adult books on subjects ranging from relationships to travel to ninja to creative writing, all of which can be found in my store. I’ve been writing professionally for over a decade, and have a degree in Creative Writing and English Literature from Concordia University in Montreal, as well as another in Philosophy from Fordham University in New York. I’m a hybrid author, with both traditionally published and independently produced titles to my name. I’m also the Editor-in-Chief of my own literary magazine, Black Heart, and run an online writers’ group called SWOOSH! just for fun.

But enough about me, let’s talk about this challenge and how it can benefit YOU!

The purpose of this challenge is to get you writing on a daily basis, as well as sharing the results on social media to connect with others seeking personal growth in 2018.

The subject of all of my prompts this month is “New Year, New You!”, which is perfect for thinking about the year past and the one ahead. We’ll cover goals, dreams, successes and setbacks, as well as strategies to keep on growing, changing and improving our lives.

Jump in with your own responses – there are no “right” or “wrong” ways to participate – and let’s share our successes and strengths.

I look forward to reading all of your posts. Be sure to tag them with #ButtontapperChallenge or tag me @LauraRobertsBooks on Instagram, and I’ll repost some of my daily favorites on my own timeline.

Thanks for taking this journey with me, and I look forward to getting to know more about all of you this month!