Calling all San Diego bloggers! #AtoZChallenge
In case you missed it, on Wednesday I announced that I’ll be scheduling some Blog-Ins this month for folks participating in the A to Z Challenge. The schedule (for now) is:
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- Sundays in April: Starbucks, Trolley Square – 3 to 5 PM (except April 2)
- Mondays: Central Library, 10 AM-Noon
- Occasional drop-ins at San Diego Writers, Ink’s “Room to Write”: Tuesdays from 9-11:45 AM and Fridays 10 AM-1 PM (SDWI members only)
I also plan to try to blog a bit more in public this month, to spread the word about the challenge, so you may catch me in a local coffee shop or library near you!
What’s the A to Z Challenge?
In case you don’t already know what the A to Z Challenge is, here’s a list of my Top 10 Reasons to Join the A to Z Challenge.
What’s a Blog-In?
Basically: bring a laptop, tablet, phone or pen and paper to write with, and let’s write together! I usually organize my Blog-Ins something like a “Sit Down, Shut Up and Write” event, where attendees will have about 15 to 30 minutes to meet up, mingle, grab some snacks or beverages, and get settled, and then everybody gets down to business and writes for at least an hour. I usually set aside a block of 2 hours for the meet-up, so if you want to drop in a little later, you’re welcome to do so – as long as you don’t disturb fellow bloggers. We can also chat after the set blogging time, if you’ve got questions about the A to Z Challenge, blogging in general, or just want to say hi.
I’ll also bring some writing prompts and theme ideas to share, in case you’re stuck and don’t know what to write about.
Let’s do this!
I hope to meet you during one of my Blog-In sessions, but in case you’re not from the San Diego area, you can also find me on Twitter @originaloflaura, where I will be posting links to my A to Z blogs and otherwise chatting about the challenge this month.
Inspired by another writing group I’m a part of (shout out to the awesome #10MinNovelists!), I’d also love to organize a Twitter party on Thursday evenings where we can talk about what we’re blogging about. What about 7-8 PM (PST), right after the #10MinNovelists chat? Use the hashtag “#AtoZ2017” and I’ll throw out questions and blogging advice to anyone who shows up.
See you on April 1st!

Hi Laura, San Diego is what I consider my second home, so I feel like I’m partly a San Diego Blogger. I’ll see you at A – Z, not long now!