Love Letters: Accountability Group check-in, week 6
It’s the end of the sixth week of 2017, and it’s time for another round of writing accountability. Let’s begin!
Word Counts for 2/4 – 2/10
February 4: 603
February 5: 1,170
February 6: 760
February 7: 765
February 8: 1,180
February 9: 0
February 10: 830
Weekly Total: 5,308 words
Another Thursday zero! This one I’m chalking up to being double-booked at my day job, which meant that I got up at 4 in the morning to get stuff finished by my deadline, and then fell asleep super early before I even had a chance to write up a crappy journal entry.
Weekly Goals
Set: Write 30 pages for the Book In A Week monthly challenge (aka 7,500 words),write a new “Pop Songs” essay, catch up on InCoWriMo and write one letter per day.
Met: None of the above!
Missed: Well, it looks like what I thought would be easily doable goals for this week have, so far, not been achieved. I haven’t written 7,500 words yet (although I still have until Sunday at midnight to do so), nor have I written a new “Pop Songs” essay. I haven’t caught up on InCoWriMo letters, or even written one per day. In short, my goals for this week have so far not been met, and having another Thursday zero is really starting to piss me off.
January Badges
On the plus side, this week I won a couple of badges from the 365 Club! Here they are:
As you scan see, these are the January Monthly Badge (for reaching my word count goal of 1,000 words/day) and the Red Pencil Badge (for 10 hours worth of editing).
Goals for Next Week
Since my goals this week were a little too ambitious – or maybe just not very well scheduled – I’m going to try something different this week. I’m going to make a DAILY list of goals to achieve. Here’s what I’ve got so far…
[author_list style=”heart”]
- MON: Finish first draft of chapter 1
- TUES: Write a new essay on love letters
- WED: Finish first draft of chapter 2
- THURS: Write 750 Words first thing in the morning (to avoid another zero!)
- FRI: Meet up with the Accountability Group, and write 750 Words
- SAT: Write Accountability Check-in post, and attend John Van Roekel’s talk at the Central Library
- SUN: Catch up on word count for the week and plan next week’s schedule
What About You?
Got any goals for next week? Have you been tracking your words this year? Need some friendly advice or encouragement? Post your deepest, darkest fears – or just your goals – in the comments section!