September Writing Goals check-in: Weeks 38 + 39
It’s that time of the week again: time for another 365K Club word count check-in! Numbers, please…
September 17, Day 261: 729 words
September 18, Day 262: 760 words
September 19, Day 263: 780 words
September 20, Day 264: 860 words
September 21, Day 265: 900 words
September 22, Day 266: 800 words
September 23, Day 267: 755 words
Week 38 Totals = 5,584 for the week, 14,906 for the month
September 24, Day 268: 785 words
September 25, Day 269: 805 words
September 26, Day 270: 795 words
September 27, Day 271: 785 words
September 28, Day 272: 1,340 words
September 29, Day 273: 770 words
September 30, Day 274: 1,051 words
That’s a grand total of 6,331 words for the week, 31,237 for the month of September, and 212,716 for the year!
Did I beat last week’s total?
This week I beat my week 38 total by 747 words, which means… well, I don’t suck at writing, I guess. Seriously, this month has not been very productive for me, but I know we all have our slumps, so I’m doing my best to let this one be in the past and focus on making some good October goals to get myself back on track.
No badges were given to me this week, although I know I’ve got a Bullseye badge coming, as well as the next level up on the daily writing ladder.
Goals for next week?
Like I said, September was a bit of a bust for me, in terms of writing output. Although I continued to write every day, I really only cleared the bare minimum. Usually my daily word counts were achieved by writing personal journals, rather than working on any of my works in progress.
As I continue to meet with my Accountability Group, I think I know the reason for this slump: I’m not really sure what I want to be writing anymore. You see, although I know what I find fun to write, and I know what kinds of things I have to write for work, I still haven’t quite hit upon the sweet spot of Writing I’m Good At and Writing That Pays Well.
As most everyone who’s a writer will tell you, my ultimate goal is to make my living solely from writing. At the moment, I’m still in transition between several genres, and trying to work on a good strategy for how to move forward.
I do think that I have a lot of unpublished material sitting on my hard drive that I could be sending out, so I’m going to get back to doing that in the next few weeks, and I also have plans to get back to one of my previously started novels for NaNoWriMo in November, so I’m studying up on outlining and debating with myself about which book would be best to work on that month.
I’ve also signed on to write two more books for ReferencePoint Press, so I am currently in research mode for my next book.
Basically, October is shaping up to be busy, so I’m going to have to stick to a pretty strict writing schedule in order to get everything I want to write done.
What are YOU up to with your writing this week?