Talk Like A Pirate and win some booty! #giveaway

Whether you belong to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, hate Real Ultimate Power, or just love rum and booty, today is a high holy day:

It’s International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

"Then it's nothing but work, work, work all the time!"
“Once word leaks out that a pirate has gone soft, people begin to disobey you, and then it’s nothing but work, work, work all the time!”

Wait a second, not that pirate…


That’s more like it, me hearties!

Did you know that Krispy Kreme celebrates Talk Like A Pirate Day? ‘Tis true! They’ll give you a free donut for talking piratical, or a free dozen for dressing like a pirate.

Snopes has even fact-checked this one, ye scurvy scallywags.

In honor of the silliest holiday of the year (and officially recognized in both Michigan and California!), I’d also like to join in on the festivities with a giveaway of my own.


Grab a copy of my pirates vs. ninjas saga, Ninjas of the 512, for the temporarily discounted price of 99¢ by using my special Talk Like A Pirate Discount Code at Smashwords.

That code: AR42K.

Click to buy now
Click to buy now


Next, enter my drawing for a chance to win a Pirate Prize Pack stuffed with booty – including a signed print edition!

To enter, use the Rafflecopter drawing below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Note that I haven’t yet chosen the winner’s t-shirt, since I’ll need to know your size. But here’s a list of all the Pirate Gear you’ll need to dress appropriately, and you can pick from one of the shirts featured.

I must admit I’m leaning towards the “To Err is Human, To Arr is Pirate” shirt, though. ;D

Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Whether you win, lose, or just wind up drowning your sorrows in donuts and grog, have a Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day! ARRRRRR!