That’s CAPTAIN Roberts, thank you very much: writing goals, week 32

*NOTE: Due to a word tracking error, I have updated this entry accordingly.

It’s that time of the week again: time for another 365K Club word count check-in! Numbers, please…

August 6, Day 219: 960 words

August 7, Day 220: 805 words

August 8, Day 221: 915 2,090 words

August 9, Day 222: 795 words

August 10, Day 223: 1,025 words

August 11, Day 224: 878 words

August 12, Day 225: 760 words

That’s a grand total of 6,138 7,313 words for the week, 10,590 11,765 for the month of August, and 161,355 162,530 for the year!

Did I beat last week’s total?

Last week I wrote 6,528 words, which means I beat that total by 785 words. Woohoo!


This week I received the “Imagination Station” badge for describing my work station.

I also discovered that I had received the Captain badge for July – for writing every day for 3 months in a row!


Goals for next week?

It feels like this week really flew by, without much writing progress for me. So next week I plan to step up my game, writing twice a day (in the mornings and the evenings), in order to up my productivity.

On the other hand, I also received word that my excerpt from NaNoWriMo: A Cheater’s Guide, entitled “Win, Lose, or 3 Day Novel,” will be included in this year’s SDW/EG anthology, The Guilded Pen! That’s a big motivating factor for continuing to submit work to different anthologies, and has reminded me to check Duotrope and some of the Facebook groups I belong to, in search of other anthologies seeking submissions.

What are your writing goals for the week?