Another Personal Best: writing goals, week 30
It’s that time of the week again: time for another 365K Club word count check-in! Numbers, please…
July 23, Day 205: 777 words
July 24 Day 206: 1,113 words
July 25, Day 207: 6,391 words (a new High Score!)
July 26, Day 208: 973 words
July 27, Day 209: 1,004 words
July 28, Day 210: 1,805 words
July 29, Day 211: 756 words
That’s a grand total of 12,819 words for the week, 41,740 for the month of July, and 148,689 for the year!
Did I beat last week’s total?
Last week I wrote 8,814 words, which means I blasted that total to smithereens by 4,005 words! (What exactly is a “smithereen,” anyway?) I also set a new High Score for my daily word counts on July 25th, so this week has been pretty awesome in terms of writing output. I became an official member of the 750 Words site, which I definitely credit for some of my massive word counts lately. Check it out if you’re looking to stick to a daily writing goal.
No badges this week, although I keep on breaking my own personal bests, so I keep on designing new badges for myself. Here’s the latest:
Goals for next week?
I turned in my manuscript for the Careers in Gaming book I’ve been working on this month, and I’m waiting to hear back from the publisher about edits I need to make. In the meantime, I’ve sent in a piece for consideration at San Diego Writer’s Ink’s annual A Year in Ink anthology, and I’m currently debating what to submit to the San Diego Writers/Editors Guild for their anthology, The Guilded Pen. That one is due July 31st, so I need to hurry up and pick something!
I can’t believe it’s almost August already. Where did all the time go?!

Sandra Yeaman
I hope you submitted a piece to SDW/EG’s A Guilded Pen. Glad you submitted to A Year In Ink. I’ll be looking for your work in both anthologies.
Laura Roberts
Yes, indeed! I just found out today that my piece, “Win, Lose, or 3 Day Novel,” will be included in this year’s Guilded Pen. Yay! :D