Best writing week: writing goals, week 27
It’s that time of the week again: time for another 365K Club word count check-in! Numbers, please…
July 2, Day 184: 861 words
July 3, Day 185: 2,150 words
July 4, Day 186: 2,465 words
July 5, Day 187: 1,642 words
July 6, Day 188: 1,464 words
July 7, Day 189: 957 words
July 8, Day 190: 1,065 words
That’s a grand total of 10,614 words for the week, 11,414 for the month of July, and 116,641 for the year!
Did I beat last week’s total?
Last week I wrote 5,977 words, which means I beat that total by 4,637 words! The secret to my success? Some of my local writing friends and I put together a day-long writing retreat on July 3, and I actually took the entire weekend off work to get some writing done. It’s the first real holiday I’ve taken from work in quite a while, and it felt good not to have any pressure to work on anything besides my writing.
Heaps of badges this week! I received the “Arrived at the Emerald City” badge, for reaching my 100,000-word yearly goal. I also received the June Bullseye badge, for hitting my word count target. And I received the Sailor Badge for writing every day for 2 months straight.
Goals for next week?
Since I’ve already reached my 100,000-word goal for the year, I’ve revised my annual goal. Now I’m aiming for my “stretch” goal (as they call it on Kickstarter) of 200,000 words by December 31st!
This week I’ve been working on some chapters for a book I’m writing for a local publisher, on the subject of careers in video games, so my goal for next week is to keep plugging away on that. I have a deadline of July 22 to get the first draft in to my editor, so I really need to keep at it to make sure it’s done on time.
I’m also going to be attending a Late Night Write event at San Diego Writer’s Ink today, so hopefully I can crank out some more words on my Mayday manuscript.
And, although this isn’t really a writing goal, I’m also working on cleaning up my website so that it’s a lot easier for visitors to navigate and see all the different things I do at a glance. So if you notice a few changes in the layout, don’t be alarmed.