Hanging Out: writing goals, week 22

Is it June already?! The time just flies!

It’s that time of the week again: time for another 365K Club word count check-in! Numbers, please…

May 28, Day 149: 208 words

May 29, Day 150: 438 words

May 30, Day 151: 1,302 words

May 31, Day 152: 227 words

June 1, Day 153: 655 words

June 2, Day 154: 340 words

June 3, Day 155: 392 words

That’s a grand total of 3,562 words for the week, 18,580 for the month of May (and 1,387 so far towards June), and 88,889 for the year!

Did I beat last week’s total?

Last week I wrote 3,122 words, which means I managed to crush my previous week’s high score by 440 words. Woohoo!


This week, I won the “Hanging Out” badge, for describing my main character’s hangouts, as well as the “Cabin Boy” badge for writing every single day for a month, the May Bullseye badge for hitting my word count target, and the “Survived the Flying Monkeys” badge for hitting 3/4 of my total yearly goal! How’s that for a great week?

I’ve actually had my eye on that Cabin Boy badge all month… if I can write every day for 5 months straight, I’ll work my way up from Cabin Boy swabbin’ the decks to the Pirate Captain of me own vessel! And do you know what that means? That’s right: I’ll be a PIRATE-NINJA, the best of all possible worlds!

I’m currently pondering my pirate name, to psych myself up for the glory. I mean, the obvious one is The Dread Pirate Roberts, but will Westley pass the name on to me, as Ryan did before him?

Goals for next week?

Since I’m officially over the 3/4 mark towards my 100,000 word yearly goal, and it’s only halfway through the year, my new yearly goal is to actually hit 200,000 words by December 31st. I will  have to step up my daily word counts a bit to achieve the goal, but I think I can do it, based on my progress thus far. Who knew I could write so many words in a year?! And I never would’ve known if I hadn’t taken the 365K Club challenge.

In other news…

stardustOne of my poems, “Change and the Great Beyond,” is included in the new charity anthology, Stardust, Always, which is both a tribute to David Bowie and Alan Rickman and a way to support cancer research. All proceeds from the book’s sales will benefit St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, so if you’d like to help make this world a better place and really give cancer the finger, please buy a copy of the book. The official release date is tomorrow, June 5, but you can pre-order today!

And if you still haven’t signed up for my mailing list, go read about my new super-duper freebies – for subscribers only – and how to have a shot at winning a $25 Amazon gift card.