Sponsor San Diego writers: Blazing Laptops
Every year, San Diego Writers Ink holds its annual fundraiser, Blazing Laptops.
“What’s Blazing Laptops?” you ask.
An excellent question, dear reader!
Putting the “fun” back in “fundraiser”
Blazing Laptops is both a fundraiser that helps San Diego Writers Ink continue to put together its awesome programming for writers in all genres, as well as a one-day write-a-thon where individual fundraisers who’ve put together at least $150 in donations get to meet up in the Ink Spot and work on their writing from 9 AM to 4 PM.
Coffee, snacks and pizza for lunch are all included for participants. And there are plenty of writing teachers on hand, ready with prompts for those who aren’t quite sure what to write about.
For those of us, like me, who already have projects in progress, there’s also a quiet writing room where we can work at our own pace. Everyone can jump into the directed writing room, if they want some extra inspiration, and there’s lots of time to meet with fellow writers, bond, and – of course – write.
Last year I actually raised the $150 required to participate, but I goofed on the date, and ended up missing the event!
So this year, I hope to raise at least $150 ($300 is my “reach” goal!), and join in on the fun this Sunday, May 22.
That’s where YOU come in!
San Diego Writers Ink is a great organization, and they’ve got a TON of programs that really help the local writing community mix, mingle, learn more about writing, and share our work with others. They’ve got open mic nights, a monthly Open House where you can drop in and chat with organizers and teachers (as well as an upcoming Local Authors Showcase on June 3!), classes galore, and they put together an annual anthology of members’ works called A Year in Ink. They’ve recently added a Little Free Library, where you can take or leave a book, which is super fun. And they’ve even been letting the San Diego chapter of the Nonfiction Authors Association hold our monthly meetings in their space. So, I really appreciate the work they do, and I’d love to be able to give back.
So far I have raised exactly $50 towards my $300 goal. I need your help to hit the $150 minimum by Sunday morning. Every little bit helps! So, can I ask you for a tiny favor?
If you’ve got $5 to spare, please kick in $5 towards this awesome local writers group. I will be writing a short book called A Day in the Life of a Writer on the day of the write-a-thon, and I’ll be happy to send you a copy of that for your trouble!
If you’ve got more than $5 to spare, here are some of my other options for…
Bonus Swag!
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- If you contribute $10 or more, I’ll send you an ebook of your choice from my current catalog
- If you contribute $25 or more, I’ll send you the $5 and $10 perks, plus a print copy of the book I’m currently writing for the “A Story A Day” challenge: Mayday: Flash Fiction for Adrenaline Junkies
- If you contribute $50 or more, I’ll send you the $5, $10 and $25 perks plus a Thank-You Package with at least one book from your favorite genre and some top-secret, Laura-approved swag
No cash to spare? No problem! Just share this post with your social media friends and fam, to help amplify the message. Tell them your writing buddy, Laura, asked you to share it!
Ready to contribute?
If you’re ready to contribute, just hit the donate button on this page.
To get your bonus swag, email me the name you contributed under and the address where you’d like me to send your package (if applicable). I’ll be sending out Thank-You Packages later on this week, and ebooks from the event within two weeks. (Hey, a gal’s gotta have some time to edit, right?) Copies of Mayday will be available on June 10.
Thanks for reading to the end of this post, and for your donations to a worthy cause!