Good luck charms: writing goals, week 12

It’s that time of the week again: time for another 365K Club word count check-in! Numbers, please…

March 19, Day 79: 931 words

March 20, Day 80: 1,209 words

March 21, Day 81: 238 words

March 22, Day 82: 587 words

March 23, Day 83: 258 words

March 24, Day 84: 0 words (there’s really no excuse for this zero, which makes me feel even worse!)

March 25, Day 85: 683 words

That’s a grand total of 3,906 words for the week, and 15,307 for the month!

Did I beat last week’s total?

Last week I wrote 4,559 words, so this week I definitely fell short. I’ve been gearing up for the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge, which means a lot more thinking and informal brainstorming than actual writing. So that sucks for my word counts, but it’s also necessary.


This week I scored a “Good Luck Charms” badge, for revealing that my Salvador Dalí figurine is one of my lucky charms – always reminding me to keep it weird, and to boldly go wherever the hell I want to go with my writing.


Here’s a picture of me and the little scamp.

Goals for next week?

Still hard at work on my “move to Canada” book, just like last week, plus I’ll be writing at least my A post for the A to Z Challenge – hopefully before Thursday night! In the meantime, check out my Theme Reveal post to learn more about my plans for this year’s challenge.

Want to track YOUR words?


In an effort to spread the helpful message of 365K Club’s daily word tracking, I’ve created my own Buttontapper Word Tracker. Want a free copy? Just sign up for my newsletter and you’ll receive a link to download it ASAP.