How to Write Better Nonfiction: A Nonfiction Authors Association teleseminar

Did you know that the Nonfiction Authors Association offers two free monthly teleseminars to help members learn more about writing, publishing and marketing their books?

Well guess what? They do!

Stacy-EnnisToday’s teleseminar featured Stacy Ennis on How to Write Better Nonfiction.

What I learned today

Stacy stressed that the key to writing better nonfiction is…


I know, everybody recoils in horror when they hear the word “outline,” but as she noted, outlining doesn’t have to be a formal thing. It can be a mind map, a brainstorm, a sketch on a napkin. It can be as loose or as detailed as you like!

She and I absolutely agree on that point. I’ve mentioned before that I’m a “reformed pantser,” and learning how to use my own version of an outline really changed the way I write. (Check out my post “Outlining doesn’t have to blow dead bears” for a cheeky guide to my own outlining process.)

Indeed, she said that outlining helps you finish your books, because it helps you set up milestones along the way, and can be used as a motivational tool.

So, her final advice: “Outline outline outline!”

Get the picture?

Want to learn more?

Sign up for an Authority Membership at the Nonfiction Authors Association for access to the recording of this teleseminar! It’s just $19 a month, and if you live in San Diego – or anywhere else with a local chapter – you’ll also gain free access to our monthly meetings.