Happy Leap Day: Writing goals monthly update

Hey hey hey! It’s the last day of February – and it’s Leap Day, too – making this an extra-special, once-every-four-years type of 365K Club update. The stats, if you please…

So far this week:

February 27, Day 58: 235 words

February 28, Day 59: 390 words

February 29, Day 60: 1,298 words

That racks up to 1,923 words for the week, thus far, and a grand total of 17,546 words for the month!

Did I beat last month’s total?

Holy cannoli, did I ever! Although February is a shorter month than all the rest, I managed to smash my January total of 14,665 words by 2,881 words.

I also managed to cut down my number of zeros to only TWO total days for the month. Last month, for comparison’s sake, I had 7 days with no word counts – that’s an entire week’s worth of writing time, lost!

I’m also 32% of my way to my yearly goal of 100K! Gold stars across the board!

So, perhaps you can see why I’m (rather understandably) feeling proud of myself this month.

Badges of honor

In case you missed them, this month I managed to snag two badges during Week 5: the Paint A Portrait badge and the January Bullseye badge for hitting my monthly goal.

I anticipate winning another one of the latter for the month of February, but since the clock hasn’t officially hit midnight yet in all the world’s time zones, I’ll post it during next week’s round-up.

Another non-group badge of honor I received this month was being included in the San Diego Public Library’s annual Local Author Exhibit. The exhibit is celebrating its own 50th anniversary this year (congrats!), and I attended a bona fide soirée at the downtown library, where I received a very cool bit of swag: a pin commemorating the event!

File Jan 29, 9 41 44 PM

I’ve been wearing it around town ever since.

I was also excited to see the book I contributed up near the front of the library’s exhibit. Today is actually the last day it’ll be on display, so I thought I’d share this snapshot my husband took the night of the party:

File Jan 29, 9 34 54 PM

Nothing like seeing your name in print – or featured alongside your fellow authors in a snazzy glass display case!

The online exhibit is currently being updated for 2015, but you can flip through it here if you weren’t able to make it downtown to check out all of the awesome books contributed by local authors.

Goals for the rest of the week? Next month?

My goals for the rest of this week include working on a new nonfiction book, and getting back to my Venus prequel story!

My goal for next month? To demolish my February word count, of course.

See you on Saturday for another 365K Club check-in!