Venus prequel, Yelp reviews and POP SONGS: Writing goals, Week 6
It’s the end of Week 6, and time for another installment of my 365K Club roundup posts. Word counts, please!
February 6, Day 37: 433 words
February 7, Day 38: 495 words
February 8, Day 39: 1,357 words (my daily high for the year thus far, smashing my previous high of 1,236 words from January 19th)
February 9, Day 40: 850 words
February 10, Day 41: 352 words
February 11, Day 42: 452 words
February 12, Day 43: 1,343 words (two 1K-busting days this week, woohoo!)
That’s a grand total of 5,290 words for the week, and an overall total of 23,301 words for the year thus far.
Did I beat last week’s total?
Last week’s total of 2,481 words was utterly demolished by this week’s total. In fact, it was more than doubled! How sweet is that? And my highest daily word count was, in fact, on a day when I finally started writing the Venus Delmar prequel story I mentioned in last week’s goals, so the victory is quadruply sweet.
Goals for next week?
I’ve been editing the print proof for my latest book, Everything I Need to Know I Learned From Pop Songs, this week so I’m hoping to actually have that mofo available for sale by the end of the week. The ebook is already for sale at all of your favorite online retailers here!
I also want to keep pounding away on my Venus story, and get that finished up.
And I was, oddly enough, inspired by a feature story in Chicago Magazine about top-rated Yelpers to write some more Yelp reviews about places I’ve visited in San Diego, so I think I may have to write a few more of those next week too. (Also, you guys, now I really want to visit that King Spa Sauna place noted as one of the “Yelpiest” places in Chicago. It looks totally nuts, but in a super great way. Has anyone reading this actually been there? Is it Vegas-style cheesy or just straight-up awesome?)