Writing Goals: Week 5
It’s the end of Week 5, and time for another installment of my 365K Club roundup posts. Word counts, please!
January 30, Day 30: 0 words
January 31, Day 31: 135 words
February 1, Day 32: 540 words
February 2, Day 33: 357 words
February 3, Day 34: 0 words
February 4, Day 35: 776 words
February 5, Day 36: 673 words
That’s a grand total of 2,481 words for the week! (Though only 2,346 for the month, since January 30th and 31st were obviously included in January’s count… man, these stats are getting confusing, aren’t they?)
Did I beat last week’s total?
Thanks to this blog post, I managed to pull ahead with my numbers. Wait! No, I didn’t… 2,444 is still just a hair behind 2,461. I need 17 more words to break even, or 18 more words to surpass it… and having written this sentence, I’ve completed the task. (Hooray once more for check-in blog posts!)
Badges of honor
I received not one but two badges this week!
The first was the “Paint A Portrait” badge, for artfully describing my main character in one sentence.
The second was the deeply sought-after “Bullseye!” badge, for hitting my word count target for the month of January.
Goals for next week?
I still haven’t gotten around to penning the Venus Delmar prequels I put forth as my goal for last week, so let’s renew that goal for week 6. Maybe I’ll actually accomplish it this week. Right after I do my taxes, ugh!