Bloggiesta mini challenge: My To Do List!

Having just returned home from the first Nonfiction Authors Association’s San Diego Chapter meeting of 2016, I’m fired up about blogging, goal-setting, and productivity!

So when I read Doing Dewey’s post about the Bloggiesta Mini Challenge, I was immediately intrigued.

“What’s a Bloggiesta?” I wondered. “And what’s their mini challenge?!”

As I soon discovered, Bloggiesta is a blog marathon run by Suey and Danielle, focused around a “mascot” with the name Pedro – which is actually an acronym that stands for:

[author_list style=”star”]

  • Plan
  • Edit
  • Develop
  • Review
  • Organize



With bi-annual events in March and September, and quarterly mini-events in January and July, Bloggiesta is all about celebrating and supporting bloggers, blogging, and best practices – with subtle Latin flair.

So this weekend’s mini challenge is to post your Blogging To Do List.


My Blogging To Do List is probably a mile long, if I’m honest. I have a couple of different blogs, so there’s always something that needs to be done.

But since this is about The Buttontapper, let’s focus. Here’s a list of stuff I had on my To Do List this week:

  1. Write about the Nonfiction Authors Association San Diego Chapter Meeting (see Monday’s post)
  2. Write about the chucklehead who tried to pose as a filmmaker working with Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman (see Wednesday’s post)
  3. Attend the NFAA teleseminar with Stephanie Chandler, and write up two of its main points (see my second post from Wednesday)
  4. Write up word counts and a summary of my second week in 365K Club (posting tomorrow!)
  5. Read Doing Dewey posts from this week, and comment
  6. Write up a book review of Reader Magnets by Nick Stephenson
  7. Find more nonfiction bloggers to read and follow
  8. Create a comprehensive blogging schedule for the site, and post it in the sidebar
  9. Listen to this week’s installment of the Sell More Books Show, and reply to their Question of the Week
  10. Participate in the Bloggiesta Mini Challenge!

Creating a comprehensive blogging schedule is going to take a bit more brainstorming, since I know I want to incorporate book reviews on an every-other-weekly basis, and I also want to keep people more updated about the comings and goings of the Nonfiction Authors Association group – both here in San Diego and nationally – but I’m also trying to write more about travel and mystery topics, and I still haven’t quite figured out a schedule (or subject matter) for those posts.

In addition to the writing, I’m also trying to experiment more with HootSuite this year, to schedule more of my tweets in advance and keep promoting my posts throughout the days and weeks in which they’re relevant, to help build up the right audience for my blog. So my To Do List actually has even more items on it!

Now it’s your turn

I’m always curious to learn more about how other bloggers do things, so what does your To Do List look like?