• Becca

    Isn’t it great when a teacher goes above & beyond and inspires their students into trying & exploring new things about books? Awesome. I am a big fan of the unreliable narrator in fiction and nonfiction. Love them.

  • Laura Roberts

    Absolutely, Becca! Looking back, I realize how lucky I was to have so many great teachers. Most of them were genuinely interested in their students, in making learning fun (even for those of us who grumbled about certain subjects), and in pushing us to really go above and beyond the stated assignments. I hope they are still teaching kids, and not burnt out by all the stupid “teach to the test” stuff they’re told to do nowadays.

  • Lory @ Emerald City Book Review

    I was a bit unsure how to grapple with this topic, but I’m getting so many ideas from other posts. The borderline between fiction and nonfiction is a really interesting place to explore. I think those definitions are more fluid than we often like to think.

  • Tara @ Running 'N' Reading

    This is such a fun post, Laura! I love your inclusion of “creative nonfiction;” I’ve definitely enjoyed some fiction that had many nonfiction elements mixed in that prompted me to do more searching on that particular topic/time period. As a student of history, I certainly agree with you that most narrators are unreliable; tall tales are just part of storytelling, right? :)

  • Laura Roberts

    Me too, Lory. I was kind of surprised that people still consider ebooks “nontraditional,” since they’ve become so popular. But then again, I just gave my mom my older Kindle last Christmas, so she’s only been reading ebooks for about a year now.

  • Laura Roberts

    Sarah: True crime is definitely interesting to me, particularly when the narrators become a little too close to the villains in the story. That ethical twinge you start to get, wondering about the lines between telling someone’s story and really believing it is what really sends shivers down my spine…

  • Brona

    My non-traditional forms of non-fiction didn’t make it into a post this week – too many other things going on. But I love to grab some of my non-fiction via podcasts and TED talks – from everything to do with books and authors, to environmental issues, health, self-help, history, philosophy, inspirational, music and comedians.

  • Laura Roberts

    Katie, I hear that! Sometimes it can definitely be frustrating when you can’t figure out which part of the story is actually REAL. But I do rather like people who give a creative take on their stories, even if they eventually cite some facts and figures. ;D

  • Laura Roberts

    Brona: I love TED Talks, too! They’re a great way to learn something every day, just by taking a few minutes out of your schedule to watch a video. I much prefer them to podcasts, for that reason.

  • Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness)

    Lots to think about in this post! Of the types of nontraditional nonfiction you mentioned, I tend to enjoy creative nonfiction the best. I like to know what’s real and what’s not, but I love authors that can turn something that might be dry into a story. And I’m a total sucker for nonfiction where the writer inserts themselves into the narrative in a creative way, like Mary Roach. I adore her books.