Yoga and yogurt: Sexy San Diego

As the kids like to say these days, “You only live once” (or YOLO if you’re nasty). In keeping with this motto, I’ve combined the hottest and coolest things in San Diego into one post about Yoga and Yogurt.

Confused? Hold onto your yurts, my friend. Clarity is coming.

First, yoga.

As mentioned in my Yoga post over at Laura Roberts Books, there are tons of options for free and by-donation yoga classes in San Diego. However, the hottest of them all is bikram yoga – also known as “hot yoga.”

Frankly, I think this form of yoga sounds painful. This picture even makes it look painful:

"Bikram Yoga - with Bikram Choudhury" image by Flickr user tiarescott
“Bikram Yoga – with Bikram Choudhury” image by Flickr user tiarescott

On the other hand, it is kind of sexy to be that flexible, right?

Here are some of the places you can practice bikram yoga in San Diego:

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Just remember to practice safety along with bikram yoga, and remember to drink plenty of water to avoid setting yourself up for heat exhaustion.

Now for the coolest thing in San Diego: Yogurt. Frozen yogurt, that is!

"Welcome to San Francisco!" image by Flickr user Wonderlane
“Welcome to San Francisco!” image by Flickr user Wonderlane

There are thousands of frozen yogurt shops in San Diego, so here is just a short list of five places to try:

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The coveted Dole Whip Float
The coveted Dole Whip Float

So there you have it: the hottest and coolest things in San Diego, yoga and yogurt! Which do you prefer?

Want to learn more about San Diego?

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  • Tim H

    I’ve done Bikram yoga a few times, but eventually switched to ‘regular’ hot yoga. I found Bikram to be too hot, plus it was boring doing the same set of poses every class. But maybe if some dude in his underwear stood on my back the class could have been more interesting.

  • Laura Roberts

    That picture reminds me of the yoga mystery serial I read by Neal Pollack, “Downward-Facing Death.” Looks like he’s got a new one out now, too: “Open Your Heart.” Time to add it to my To Read pile!