#HumpDayReviews: One Night in Amsterdam by Jaz Hartfield


Chloe organizes Jo’s hen weekend in Amsterdam, glad to get away from the usual boring or married men that she sleeps with. Perhaps she’ll meet some cool guys up for a bit of fun. If not, at least she’ll make sure her best friend gets very drunk while they all party in style.

Dean is getting married to Tamsin, but having serious doubts. His mates take him to Amsterdam for one last weekend of debauchery before settling down for the rest of his life. But is Tamsin the right woman for him?

When Chloe and Dean meet in Amsterdam’s red-light district, they are immediately attracted to each other. Dean tries to justify one last fling before marrying Tamsin. Chloe feels bad about having sex with someone else’s intended. Yet, a night of amazing sex is exactly what both of them want. So, why shouldn’t they just enjoy one night of fantastic, guilt-free sex?

An excerpt from One Night in Amsterdam

BookCover_OneNightInAmsterdam“You sound like fifteen year old schoolgirls,” Glynis said with a sniff. “Perhaps we should ask Joanna what she’d like to do. After all, it’s her weekend.”

“Oh God, who brought Miss Boring along?” Di groaned.

“Oi! That’s my sister. You watch your big gob—”

“Girls! Stop it.” Chloe stood between them all as the self-appointed mediator. “Let’s not get bitchy before the weekend has even begun. Maybe Glynis is right.” She turned to Di with a warning look.

“Whatever,’ said Di with a tone of resignation.

“You tell ‘em, sis,” Glynis said, as all eyes turned to the bride-to-be.

Jo studied each of them in turn, cranking up the anticipation. She tapped her lips in deep thought, and opened them as if to speak and then stopped. The others leaned in slightly to catch her words.

“I think we should…” Jo moved over to the double bed and sat down next to Ushma.

“That is… it seems that, well, Glynis has a point about being responsible and staying in control…”

Glynis smirked and leaned smugly back against the wardrobe.

“But on the other hand,” Jo continued, “we’re in Amsterdam – city of debauchery – on my hen weekend. So I say we go out on the lash, get completely hammered, watch beautiful men ripping off their underwear and go and flirt with some horny guys.”

“Woohoo!” Chloe and Di screamed, rushing over towards Jo. Ushma joined them in a group hug.

Chloe used her mobile to track down the right tram to get them to Dam Square, on the outskirts of the infamous Red Light District, known locally as Rossebuurt. It was a clear, bright day with lots of people sitting outside eating, drinking or strolling along in groups and couples. The extensive canal network punctuated the roads with bridges, barges and houseboats. Market stalls added colour and life to various cobbled squares. Chloe had also read that many of the buildings were from as long ago as the fourteenth century, but she didn’t think this would interest the others. The Red Light District didn’t really come to life until it got dark, although it was easy to find signs and evidence of seedy nightlife and practices.

Chloe found a cash machine and prayed that it wouldn’t swallow up her card. Thankfully, it allowed her to take out fifty Euros, to add to what she’d already brought. She didn’t dare try for any more.

They wandered through a few lanes until Chloe suddenly shrieked outside a shop with a window display of various sex toys.

“I guess we’re in the Rossebuurt then,” she said.

“We’ve found our first tarts,” Jo quipped, drooling over the gateaux and pastries. They all stared greedily at the chocolate fondue fountain, with molten chocolate waterfalling down a glass sheet.

“What a choice, eh?” Chloe said, standing where the shops joined and looking from one to the next, as if watching a tennis match. “Sex or chocolate?”

Unfortunately for him, the taller one, still only known to him as ‘Bitch-Ho’ from the back of her sweatshirt, answered before his girl could speak. He politely answered the other, but kept his eye mainly on his chosen one. Her smile created the most wondrous dimples he’d ever beheld. Close up, she was even lovelier than before. Dean so desperately wanted to touch her.

He discovered their names. The blonde’s was Chloe.

“So where you from, then?” Dean asked, to make conversation.

“Lewes. You won’t know it. Little place in Sussex—”

“Yeah, I know Lewes. We’re from Brighton.” Dean couldn’t help grinning.

“You’re joking! What are the chances? We often go out clubbing in Brighton.”

“Have to meet up some time and reminisce.”

Chloe bit her lip and shrugged.

“Shall we go somewhere else? All of us?” He emphasised this last bit because he didn’t want to get stranded with Di, who was paying him more attention than he wanted. He smiled at Chloe. Sod it. What did he have to lose?

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Though Chloe and Dean get off to a bad start – she’s sick of men complimenting only her most obvious assets, and he’s, well, engaged to be married! – this sex-filled romp suggests Amsterdam is a great place for a wild weekend.

Whether the characters are guzzling as much alcohol as they can handle (and then some), puffing on fat blunts, or engaging in their own sexcapades in public, there’s plenty of naughtiness packed into just one night.

Without giving too much of the plot away, I liked the way the author engaged the issue of being pushed into marriage for all the wrong reasons, as well as the way the characters weighed the moral implications of their acts, rather than simply tossing their relationships aside with a “When in Amsterdam!” attitude. Chloe is clearly tired of shacking up with married men, who use her as little more than a sexual plaything, and her fling with Dean suggests she may be turning over a new leaf. (Not that kind, you potheads!)

The red light district never quite seemed like the ideal place for a hen party, given its typical emphasis on catering to male desires, but I did find it amusing to discover that the Bananenbar – where women perform explicit acts with bananas – is a real place. If you’re looking for love, or just a banana split, there’s lots to explore in Jaz Hartfield’s take on the Rossebuurt.

About the Author

AuthorPhoto_OneNightInAmsterdamJaz Hartfield is a writer and actor who loves travelling. He’s always looking for his next thrill, having tried bungee-jumping, parachuting, white-water rafting, pot-holing and deep sea diving.

Jaz has lived in many different places; his favourite parts of the world include New Zealand, Kenya, Ireland, and the Lake District in England. Having been on a stag weekend in Amsterdam, Jaz is unwilling to admit whether One Night in Amsterdam has elements of the truth in it or not.

You can connect with Jaz on Facebook or the Tirgearr Website.


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