Wild & wanton: Sexy San Diego’s romance writers
You probably already know that writing is sexy. But what’s the sexiest kind of writing?
Fellow writers will probably not be surprised to learn that San Diego is the home or birthplace to several romance novelists, including New York Times bestselling author Elaine Coffman; Juliette Sobanet, author of Confessions of a City Girl: San Diego; and Belinda Jones, author of the awesome LoveTravel series, including The California Club and Winter Wonderland.
It makes sense, right? Sun, fun, beaches, whirlwind holiday romances… San Diego was made for romance novelists! After all, who doesn’t dream of writing at the beach?
If you’re serious about romance writing, you’ll also be happy to hear that the Romance Writers of America has a San Diego chapter, which you can join for just $50 (on top of your national membership dues). Even if you’re not a member, however, you can take their online classes to learn how to add more sizzle to your sex scenes or figure out how to use Scrivener. You can also check out their blog to get to know more about local romance novelists and their achievements.
Another place to meet fellow romance writers is the Romance Writers of Southern California Meetup, where you can find a writing buddy, bounce ideas off of others writing in the genre, or just hang out.
And if you prefer the spicy side of romance, there are some special places where you can learn more about erotic writing. San Diego Writers Ink is offering an upcoming Erotica Writing Workshop taught by Jenny Lane. The class will meet 3 times (May 19 & 26, and June 2), and will teach participants the difference between erotica and romance, how to write an erotic short story, and a bit about the business of publishing your work at Amazon.
Come October, you can also enjoy the festivities at the GayRomLit Retreat at the Bahia Resort Hotel. This will be their 5th annual event celebrating authors and readers of LGBT romance, and since the city rotates yearly, it’ll also be the first time San Diego has hosted the event.
So what do you think? Is San Diego a great place for romance and erotica writers or what?
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