Laura live: Sexy San Diego and online events happening this week


Ever wanted to listen to me read some of my sassy short stories, live and in person? Or maybe you were hoping to catch me on the radio, talking about sex? Well this week you’re in luck!

I just finished a wild and crazy live interview on DL Zwissler’s “Lost and Found” radio show that you’ll enjoy if you like hearing two chicks talk about sex, sweaty workouts, sex, the stupid things people ask erotica writers, sex – and did I mention the sex? As one listener noted, “This show should be rated NC-71, no one under 71 admitted without a foulmouthed sailor to interpret for them.” So, um, yeah, it’s definitely NSFW, but it sure was fun.

And if you’re in San Diego this Friday, August 8, be sure to stop by the Book Lovers reading happening at the Art Institute (1439 El Prado), as part of their Poetry & Art series. Our fearless editor, Shawna Kenney (of I Was a Teenage Dominatrix fame), will be in the house, along with Chelsey Drysdale, Danielle Bauter and me! Doors open at 6:30 PM, the show starts at 7, and it’s $5 entry – or free if you BYOB. I hear there will also be art, music and vegetarian noms, if you’re into one or all of those things, so c’mon down, buy a book and say hi.

I hope to be reading at a few more local reading series later on this year, so stay tuned for more events and updates, or join my mailing list to make sure you never miss an update.

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