Themed posts: Curating creativity with weekly inspiration
Having recently joined a few erotica writers’ tribes over at Triberr (which is, by the way, a great place to meet fellow bloggers and gain new readers for your blog), I’ve noticed a growing trend towards themed posts. For instance, there are Saturday Spankings, Masturbation Mondays and Horny Hump Days, not to mention the new Mile High Muses collaborative blog which posts daily themed installments from a group of Colorado romance authors.
So I asked myself: could these kinds of themed posts help inspire my own creativity? And, since the obvious answer to this rhetorical question is YES, what should my daily themes be?

I used to run “Fetish Fridays” on a previous blog, where I’d either write about a specific fetish or simply post pictures as an illustrative example of the fetish in question. Of course, at some point you’re bound to run out of legit fetishes, and then what?
As a writer that dabbles in various genres, I’ve been toying with “Fiction Friday,” where I’ll post a short story that can come from the toy box of topics I typically write about, including sex, travel, ninjas and more. That should also help keep me on task since I’ve been missing my Friday posts, due to my weird weekly schedule where I have Fridays and Saturdays off instead of a typical Saturday/Sunday weekend.
For Mondays, I’m thinking of starting a “Manic Monday” series, in which I post a quickie using only short, bullet pointed lists with accompanying photos (like, say, the grumpy looking cat pictured above). Since we’re all a little frazzled on Mondays, it’ll be a quick and easy read and a chance for you to share some bullet points of your own – whether it’s your weekly To Do list, a list of accomplishments from the previous week, or just a random collection of links.
To prevent theme burnout, I figure I’ll leave my Tuesdays and Thursdays open for now (after all, there’s always a chance to toss out a “Throwback Thursday” photo or two when you’re at a loss for ideas), slipping in author interviews and personal WIP updates as I go. And of course Wednesdays will remain Hump Day Review days, where I present erotic books, movies and assorted cultural artifacts for your edification.
So those are my themed post ideas, for now. Do you ever write themed posts, and if so, what themes do you like to play with on your blog?
One Comment
Denise Calhoun
I do series, like Gardenia Garments, Sewing Spaces, Hard, Fast and Fashionable, etc. I need to get back to them, because they are popular.