Horny Hump Day: Fucking Anais Nin
Happy Horny Hump Day!
I’ve joined a weekly blog hop for authors that post 3 saucy sentences each Wednesday. Simple, straightforward, sexy. So without further ado, here are 3 steamy sentences from my short story “Open Letters to Famous Writers” (featured in the Book Lovers anthology):
You did take my breath away, with stories that had me touching myself the way I pictured one day touching you, as your dirty words splashed from your painted lips. You were my first contract come, Anaïs. And you’ll always be the best, even now that I’ve got a stable full of talent to trot out every night.
Panting for more? Grab a copy of Book Lovers from your favorite bookseller to find out what happens next – and stay tuned for next week’s Horny Hump Day!
Kathryn R. Blake
Fitting tribute to Anais Nin.
Laura Roberts
Thanks, Kathryn! I may have to write some more scenes with Anaïs, since she’s such a willful woman. Perhaps a post for next week’s Horny Hump Day?
Denise Calhoun
Ahhh, Anais. She was my first, too. I wonder if that is something shared by the female sex?
Laura Roberts
She’s definitely the best known, outside of EL James, anyway. And certainly a better writer!