#AStoryAWeek and the Iron Writer Challenge #44
As part of my personal 2014 New Year’s Resolutions (despite my intent not to announce them), I decided to throw myself into the business of writing short fiction on a weekly basis. I haven’t written short pieces regularly in quite a while now, so I feel a bit out of practice, and I want to tone up my writing muscles in this area. So when Jessica McHugh announced she was going to write #AStoryAWeek, and asked if anyone wanted to play along, I said yes.
In fact, I said HELL YES!
So, I will try to keep an accurate scorecard of my weekly pieces with proposed titles and actual word counts over in the sidebar. Since I also plan on sending these stories out for publication, I won’t post them here first (many sites frown on this, unfortunately), but at least you’ll be able to see them whenever and wherever they turn up in print.
And, if all else fails, I will have a brand new collection of short fiction to publish in 2015.
In keeping with my weekly short story challenge, good news everyone: I am currently the reigning weekly champ over at The Iron Writer! I won the 44th challenge with my piece “The Dungeon Master,” a little ditty incorporating a bug zapper, cranberries, a child’s wagon and a faded Dragon Slayer manual.
If you’re a flash fiction writer, I encourage you to take up this weekly writing challenge as well, whether that’s writing in private and keeping your own scorecard or joining the Iron Writers in a public display of fiction mastery. So who’s with us?