On the sixth day of XXXmas, my true love gave to me…

On the sixth day of XXXmas my true love gave to me…

How to Suck Better!

How to Suck Better

Don’t say we never did nothing for ya – or your sex life.

What’s it all about?

A brief excerpt from her serial novel, Naked Montreal, Laura Roberts presents the short how-to guide, “How to Suck Better” as a public service for anyone who aspires to be better in bed. Geared towards helping all the ladies and gay men of the world to learn how to perform fellatio like champs, this quickie how-to aims to educate, entertain and enlighten as it stimulates the reader’s imagination. (18+ with a sense of humor – and adventure! – only.)


Hit up Smashwords and be sure to use coupon code GH46Z at the checkout.

Merry XXXmas, and stay tuned for 6 more days of holiday surprises through December 25 right here on the blog.


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