You are now entering the NaNo Zone

It’s November 1, and you know what that means. NaNoWriMo has begun!

nanowrimoWelcome to the NaNo Zone.

This month I’ll be dedicating lots of time to hammering out a new novel (a sexy murder-mystery currently titled The Case of the Cunning Linguist, to be exact). That means I’ll be posting occasional word count updates and related posts throughout the month, though I do typically try to avoid the “writing about writing” posts that stem from NaNoWriMo. After all, there’s nothing quite as dull as a daily post about the trials and tribulations of putting words on virtual pages. Isn’t writing supposed to be FUN?

Anyway, if you’d like to keep up with my noveling progress, your best bet is to follow me on Twitter @originaloflaura, where one-liners about the writing process, my crazy characters, and other nonsense will shortly commence. You can also befriend me on the site under the code name Val Capone to (eventually) read an excerpt or just harass me about my word count.

And now, to the Noveling Cave!

The Noveling Cave, as commandeered by my literary kitty, Nedward Carlos Nedwards.