Montreal from A to Z

This April I will once again be participating in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge, so I just wanted to warn you about the upcoming avalanche of posts. The idea of the challenge is to blog once daily for each letter of the alphabet, starting on April 1. Bloggers get Sundays off for good behavior, so there will be new posts here almost every day throughout the month of April. Whew! (Please note, however, that if you’re signed up to my mailing list, you’ll still be getting just the once-a-week digest, so your inbox will NOT be flooded with extra mail. Double whew!)

To keep things focused, the folks who put together this challenge recommend that participants pick a theme. Last year I focused on Awesome Lady Authors, and that was super fun, introducing me to Xue Xinran, among other amazing authors whose work I never would have otherwise read.

montrealAtoZThis year I decided to keep the focus on my latest novel, Naked Montreal, since part one has just been published and part two is in the works. As I plug away at finishing that second part, I figured it’d be fun to detail Montreal from A to Z so that readers who have never been to my favorite Canadian city will be able to learn more about it.

So let the challenge begin! I’m ready and raring to go with some Montreal hotspots, hangouts and hidden gems. What’s your favorite Montreal hangout that starts with A?