Read an Ebook Week, March 4-10

Canadians have all the fun: By order of Parliament, they’ve actually designated March as “Read an Ebook Month.”

While the U.S. hasn’t quite embraced the ebook phenomenon like our neighbors to the north, we’ve still got some tricks up our sleeves. This week (March 4 through 10) is Read an Ebook Week, which means we get to participate in seven days worth of e-reading fun!

In honor of Read an Ebook Week, all of my books published on Smashwords are available for free.

That’s right, my entire catalog of ebooks—including my novel, Rebels of the 512—will be available for download completely and totally gratis for your reading pleasure. No catch, no fine print, no haggling. No kidding! Just awesome ebooks to get you hooked on the wild and crazy stories that seep from my brain.

Choose from any of the following:

Take one or take ’em all with coupon code RE100—and don’t forget to write a review to let me know what you think when you’re done reading!