Naked Montréal now available for pre-sale

I haven’t posted a blog update in a while, mostly as I’ve been mulling over the information I learned last weekend in an informal class given by Bobbie Christensen at the University of Texas, entitled “How to Write Your 1st Book (Or 7th).” Basically, Ms. Christensen offered us a 10-step process for writing any type of book in just 6 weeks (or 20 weekends, if you have to work full-time, like most writers do), and I’ve been perusing the rest of the course materials (i.e. her self-published book, Writing, Publishing & Marketing Your 1st Book [Or 7th]) on the subjects of publishing and marketing, wondering whether I should give this method a try on the book I’ve most recently been attempting to finish, Naked Montreal.

This weekend, I’ve decided to quit dithering and do it. I will officially begin the 20-weekend long-haul on April 10, and Naked Montreal will be published by the end of August.

Which means I’m currently pre-selling copies to those who have expressed interest over the years in any books I might write, as well as parties who have expressed interest specifically in this book. I plan to sell the book for $19.95 + $5 shipping, beginning in August 2010, but for those who pre-order now, the cost will be a mere $14.95—with shipping included!

What’s Naked Montreal all about, and why should you buy a copy? For one, you’ll get expanded interviews with many of the exciting sex workers, burlesquers, and gadabouts I interviewed for my “V for Vixen” column (circa 2007-2009). But that’s not all! You’ll also receive:

    • Full-color photos of some of Montreal’s hottest performers, perverts, and scenesters;
    • Tantalizing recommendations on where to dine for an erotic evening out;
    • Saucy suggestions for where to book a room when things get hot and heavy;
    • Tips on where to shop for everything from formal and fetishwear to erotic essentials; and
    • The inside scoop on where Montreal’s beautiful people live, lust and lounge!

      Whether you’re looking to explore the city’s nightlife, performing arts, specialty shopping, kinky side or romantic old-world sights, Naked Montreal‘s got it all, from the tip of your corset to the toe of your stiletto heels. Reserve your copy today for just $14.95!